Monday, 16 September 2013

Some useful tips for preserving your oil canvas painting

If you are an enthusiast of oil painting or recently purchased an artwork on canvas, you would certainly want to preserve it for years. Well, the first thing that you must do is hang it in a place where you can see and appreciate the beauty of oil on canvas.  A piece of art is always purchased to savor its beauty and not leave it inside the storeroom or in the basement. Hanging a painting is always the ideal way to store that. Always ensure that the string and the hook are robust and placed correctly.
 Moreover, cross check the support as many times as possible. The support is a frame that basically extends the canvas and provides it rigidity. It is important to make sure that that the frame is accurately and firmly made so that the canvas gets properly stretched. It will also help to bring out the true beauty of the painting. Another important rule of storing oil canvas paintings is to hang them in a cool dry place so that they do not get exposed to the destructive weather elements. Storing in room temperature is the ideal way, but be extra cautious that it is not in the direct passage of air conditioning or electric fans. This will make sure that the painting does not get exposed to needless moisture or gets too much direct sunlight.
Most often, a painting gets holes and scratches due to careless and unnecessary handling. You can avoid it by keeping it in a place where kids or pets cannot damage it, and you touch it when cleaning is necessary. You can increase the lifespan of these valuable canvas art paintings by following these easy yet useful tips. The above mentioned techniques will definitely make your oil paintings last longer than expected. You will naturally feel good when your chosen artwork is appreciated even by the next generation.

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